HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
62044300.90 合成纤维制其他女式连衣裙
[Other women's or girls' dresses of synthetic fibres]
13% 件/千克 查看详情 --
62044400.10 人造纤维制女式连衣裙
[Women's or girls' dresses of artificial fibres, containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair]
13% 件/千克 查看详情 对比-62044300.90
62044400.90 人造纤维制其他女式连衣裙
[Other women's or girls' dresses of artificial fibres]
13% 件/千克 查看详情 对比-62044400.10
62044910.10 丝制女式连衣裙
[Women's or girls' dresses of silk, containing 70% or more by weight of silk or spun silk]
13% 件/千克 查看详情 对比-62044400.90
62044910.90 丝制其他女式连衣裙
[Other women's or girls' dresses of silk, containing less than 70% by weight of silk or spun silk]
13% 件/千克 查看详情 对比-62044910.10
62044990.00 其他材料制女式连衣裙
[Women's dresses made of other materials]
13% 件/千克 查看详情 对比-62044910.90
62045100.00 毛制女式裙子及裙裤
[Women's or girls' skirts and divided skirts,of wool or fine animal hair]
13% 件/千克 查看详情 对比-62044990.00
62045200.00 棉制女式裙子及裙裤
[Women's or girls' skirts and divided skirts of cotton]
13% 件/千克 查看详情 对比-62045100.00
62045300.10 合成纤维制女式裙子及裙裤
[Women's or girls' skirts and divided skirts, of synthetic fibres, containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair]
13% 件/千克 查看详情 对比-62045200.00
62045300.90 合成纤维制其他女式裙子及裙裤
[Other women's or girls' skirts and divided skirts, of synthetic fibres]
13% 件/千克 查看详情 对比-62045300.10
62045910.10 丝制女式裙子及裙裤
[Women's or girls' skirts and divided skirts of silk, containing 70% or more by weight of silk]
13% 件/千克 查看详情 对比-62045300.90
62045910.90 其他丝制女式裙子及裙裤
[Women's or girls' skirts and divided skirts of silk, containing less than 70% by weight of silk]
13% 件/千克 查看详情 对比-62045910.10
62045990.00 其他材料制女式裙子及裙裤
[Other materials made of women's skirts and skirts]
13% 件/千克 查看详情 对比-62045910.90
62046100.00 毛制长裤、护胸背带工装裤、马裤及短裤
[Wool trousers, chest strap carrying overalls, breeches and shorts]
13% 条/千克 查看详情 对比-62045990.00
62046200.00 棉制长裤、护胸背带工装裤、马裤及短裤
[Cotton trousers, chest strap carrying overalls, breeches and shorts]
13% 条/千克 查看详情 对比-62046100.00
62046300.00 合纤制长裤、护胸背带工装裤、马裤及短裤
[Synthetic pants, chest strap carrying overalls, breeches and shorts]
13% 条/千克 查看详情 对比-62046200.00
62046900.00 其他材料制长裤、护胸背带工装裤、马裤及短裤
[Pants made of other materials, overalls, breeches and shorts]
13% 条/千克 查看详情 对比-62046300.00
62052000.10 不带特制领的棉制男成人衬衫
[Men's and boys'shirts of cotton, without specially made collar (including boys' size 8-18)]
13% 件/千克 A 查看详情 对比-62046900.00
62052000.91 其他棉制男童游戏套装衬衫
[Boy's shirts of cotton, playsuit, other than long shirts]
13% 件/千克 A 查看详情 对比-62052000.10
62052000.99 其他棉制男式衬衫
[Other men's or boys' shirts, of cotton]
13% 件/千克 查看详情 对比-62052000.91