HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
02011000.10 整头及半头鲜或冷藏的濒危野牛肉
[Meat of wild bovine animals, carcasses and half-carcasses, fresh or chilled]
0.0% 千克/无 4ABEFx 查看详情 --
02011000.90 其他整头及半头鲜或冷藏的牛肉
[Other meat of bovine animals, carcasses andhalf-carcasses, fresh or chilled]
9.0% 千克/无 4ABx 查看详情 对比-02011000.10
02012000.10 鲜或冷藏的带骨濒危野牛肉
[Meat of wild bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled]
0.0% 千克/无 47ABEFx 查看详情 对比-02011000.90
02012000.90 其他鲜或冷藏的带骨牛肉
[Other meat of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled]
9.0% 千克/无 47ABx 查看详情 对比-02012000.10
02013000.10 鲜或冷藏的去骨濒危野牛肉
[Meat of wild bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled]
0.0% 千克/无 47ABEFx 查看详情 对比-02012000.90
02013000.90 其他鲜或冷藏的去骨牛肉
[Other meat of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled]
9.0% 千克/无 47ABx 查看详情 对比-02013000.10
02021000.10 冻藏的整头及半头濒危野牛肉
[Meat of wild bovine animals, carcasses and half-carcasses, frozen]
0.0% 千克/无 4ABEFx 查看详情 对比-02013000.90
02021000.90 其他冻藏的整头及半头牛肉
[Other meat of bovine animals, carcasses and half-carcasses, frozen]
9.0% 千克/无 4ABx 查看详情 对比-02021000.10
02022000.10 冻藏的带骨濒危野牛肉
[Meat of wild bovine animals, with bone in, frozen]
0.0% 千克/无 47ABEFx 查看详情 对比-02021000.90
02022000.90 其他冻藏的带骨牛肉
[Other meat of bovine animals, with bone in, frozen]
9.0% 千克/无 47ABx 查看详情 对比-02022000.10
02023000.10 冻藏的去骨濒危野牛肉
[Meat of wild bovine animals, boneless, frozen]
0.0% 千克/无 47ABEFx 查看详情 对比-02022000.90
02023000.90 其他冻藏的去骨牛肉
[Other meat of bovine animals, boneless, frozen]
9.0% 千克/无 47ABx 查看详情 对比-02023000.10
02031110.10 鲜或冷藏整头及半头濒危乳猪肉
[Meat of wild sucking pig, carcasses and half-carcasses, fresh or chilled]
0.0% 千克/无 4ABEFx 查看详情 对比-02023000.90
02031110.90 鲜或冷藏整头及半头其他乳猪肉
[Meat of sucking pig, carcasses and half-carcasses,fresh or chilled]
9.0% 千克/无 4ABx 查看详情 对比-02031110.10
02031190.10 鲜或冷藏整头及半头濒危其他猪肉
[Other meat of wild swine, carcasses and half-carcasses, fresh or chilled]
0.0% 千克/无 4ABEFx 查看详情 对比-02031110.90
02031190.90 鲜或冷藏整头及半头其他猪肉
[Other meat of swine, carcasses and half-carcasses,fresh or chilled]
9.0% 千克/无 4ABx 查看详情 对比-02031190.10
02031200.10 鲜或冷藏带骨濒危猪前腿、后腿及肉块
[Hams, shoulders and cuts of wild swine, with bone in, fresh or chilled]
0.0% 千克/无 47ABEFx 查看详情 对比-02031190.90
02031200.90 鲜或冷藏带骨其他猪前腿、后腿及肉块
[Hams, shoulders and cuts of swine, with bone in, fresh or chilled]
9.0% 千克/无 47ABx 查看详情 对比-02031200.10
02031900.10 其他鲜或冷藏濒危猪肉
[Other meat of wild swine, fresh or chilled]
0.0% 千克/无 47ABEFx 查看详情 对比-02031200.90
02031900.90 其他鲜或冷藏的猪肉
[Other meat of swine, fresh or chilled]
9.0% 千克/无 47ABx 查看详情 对比-02031900.10