HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
87091990.00 非电动的其他短距离运货车
[Other non electrical trucks for short distance transport of goods (not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factories, warehouses, dock areas or airports)]
13% 辆/千克 6 查看详情 --
87099000.00 短距离运货车、站台牵引车用零件
[Parts of works trucks for short distance transport of goods, including tractors of the type used on railway station platforms]
13% 千克/无 6 查看详情 对比-87091990.00
87100010.00 坦克及其他机动装甲战斗车辆
[Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, motorized, whether or not fitted with weapons, Assembled]
0% 辆/千克 6 查看详情 对比-87099000.00
87100090.00 坦克及其他机动装甲战斗车辆零件
[Parts and accessories of Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, motorized, whether or not fitted with weapons]
0% 千克/无 6 查看详情 对比-87100010.00
87111000.10 微马力摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Motorcycles and mopeds, (with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine, of a cylinder capacity equal to 50cc)]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87100090.00
87111000.90 微马力摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Motorcycles and mopeds,(with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50cc)]
13% 辆/千克 6A 查看详情 对比-87111000.10
87112010.00 50<排量≤100毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Motorcycles and mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine, Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50cc but not exceeding 100cc]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87111000.90
87112020.00 100<排量≤125毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Motorcycles and mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine, Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 100 cc but not exceeding 125cc]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87112010.00
87112030.00 125<排量≤150毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Motorcycles and mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine, Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 125 cc but not exceeding 150cc]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87112020.00
87112040.00 150<排量≤200毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Motorcycles and mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine, Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 150 cc but not exceeding 200cc]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87112030.00
87112050.10 200<排量<250毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[20<<250ml loaded exhaust volume of reciprocating piston internal combustion engine for motorcycles and mopeds]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87112040.00
87112050.90 排量=250毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Displacement =250ml loaded exhaust volume of reciprocation piston internal combustion engine for motorcycles and mopeds]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87112050.10
87113010.00 250<排量≤400毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Motorcycles and mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine, Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250cc but not exceeding 400cc]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87112050.90
87113020.00 400<排量≤500毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Motorcycles and mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine, Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 400cc but not exceeding 500cc]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87113010.00
87114000.00 500<排量≤800毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Motorcycles and mopeds, With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity exceeding 500cc but not exceeding 800cc]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87113020.00
87115000.00 800毫升<排量装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Motorcycles and mopeds, With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity exceeding 800cc]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87114000.00
87116000.10 电动自行车
[electric bicycle]
13% 辆/千克 6A 查看详情 对比-87115000.00
87116000.90 其他装有电驱动电动机的摩托车
[Other motorcycles equipped with electric drive motor]
13% 辆/千克 6A 查看详情 对比-87116000.10
87119000.10 其他排气量≤250毫升摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Other displacement ≤ 250 ml motorcycles and bicycles]
13% 辆/千克 6A 查看详情 对比-87116000.90
87119000.20 其他排气量>250毫升摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Other displacement> 250 ml motorcycles and scooters]
13% 辆/千克 6A 查看详情 对比-87119000.10