HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
85408100.00 接收管或放大管
[Receiver or amplifier valves and tubes]
13% 只/千克 查看详情 --
85408900.10 光电倍增管
[Photomultiplier tube(optoelectronic cathode area of more than 20 square centimeters, and anode pulse rise of less than 1ns)]
13% 只/千克 3 查看详情 对比-85408100.00
85408900.90 其他电子管
[Other valves and tubes (including photocathode valves and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves and tubes)]
13% 只/千克 查看详情 对比-85408900.10
85408900.00 (已作废)
推荐查询: 85408900 或者: 854089
其他电子管  17.0 只/ 查看详情 对比-85408900.90