HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
84798910.00 船用舵机及陀螺稳定器
[Steering and rudder equipment or gyroscopic stabilizers for ships]
13% 台/千克 查看详情 --
84798920.00 空气增湿器及减湿器
[Air humidifiers or dehumidifiers]
13% 台/千克 查看详情 对比-84798910.00
84798940.00 其他邮政用包裹、印刷品分拣设备
[Bundle and printed matter sorting machines used in post offices]
13% 台/千克 查看详情 对比-84798920.00
84798950.00 放射性废物压实机
[Presses for radioactive waste material]
13% 台/千克 查看详情 对比-84798940.00
84798961.00 自动插件机
[Automatic plug-in machines]
13% 台/千克 查看详情 对比-84798950.00
84798962.00 自动贴片机
[Automatic coreslice adhering machines]
13% 台/千克 查看详情 对比-84798961.00
84798969.00 其他印刷电路板上装配元器件机器
[Other machines for assemblying elements on printed circuit boards]
13% 台/千克 查看详情 对比-84798962.00
84798992.00 自动化立体仓储设备
[Three-dimensional automatic warehouse equipment]
13% 台/千克 A 查看详情 对比-84798969.00
84798999.10 用于光盘生产的金属母盘生产设备
[Metal master disk equipments for producing compact disks (with an independent function)]
13% 台/千克 查看详情 对比-84798992.00
84798999.20 用于光盘生产的粘合机
[Bonders for producing compact disks (with an independent function)]
13% 台/千克 查看详情 对比-84798999.10
84798999.30 用于光盘生产的真空金属溅镀机
[Vacuum metal sputtering machines for producing compact disks (with an independent function)]
13% 台/千克 查看详情 对比-84798999.20
84798999.40 保护胶涂覆机及染料层旋涂机
[Protective rubber-coated and dye-layer spin-coating machines ( for producing compact disks, with an independent function)]
13% 台/千克 查看详情 对比-84798999.30
84798999.52 生物反应器
[Bioreactor(machines and mechanical appliances under control of dual-use items)]
13% 台/千克 3 查看详情 对比-84798999.40
84798999.53 恒化器
[Chemostat(machines and mechanical appliances under control of dual-use items)]
13% 台/千克 3 查看详情 对比-84798999.52
84798999.54 连续灌流系统
[Successive perfusion system(machines and mechanical appliances under control of dual-use items)]
13% 台/千克 3 查看详情 对比-84798999.53
84798999.55 三坐标或多坐标联动和程控的纤维缠绕机
[Three-coordinate or multi-coordinate linkage and program control filament winding machine(machines and mechanical appliances under control of dual-use items)]
13% 台/千克 3 查看详情 对比-84798999.54
84798999.59 其他两用物项管制机器及机械器具
[Other machines and mechanical appliances under control of dual-use items]
13% 台/千克 3 查看详情 对比-84798999.55
84798999.60 绕线机
[Winding machines (capable of winding the diameters of 75mm to 400mm, or the length of 600mm or more)]
13% 台/千克 3 查看详情 对比-84798999.59
84798999.90 本章其他未列名机器及机械器具
[Machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapte]
13% 台/千克 A 查看详情 对比-84798999.60
84798991.00 (已作废)
推荐查询: 84798991 或者: 847989
机场用旅客登机桥  15.00  台/ AB 查看详情 对比-84798999.90