HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
84014090.10 核反应堆压力容器(包括其顶板)
[Pressure vessels for nuclear reactors (including the top slabs) (specially designed or produced to hold the reactor core of the nuclear reactors)]
13% 千克/台 3 查看详情 --
84014090.20 核反应堆控制棒和设备
[Control rods and devices for nuclear reactors (control rods, supporting structures or suspended structures used exclusively for nuclear fission)]
13% 千克/台 3 查看详情 对比-84014090.10
84014090.30 核反应堆压力管
[Pressure pipes for nuclear reactors (used exclusively for holding nuclear fuel elements and primary coolant, pressure>5.1mpa)]
13% 千克/台 3 查看详情 对比-84014090.20
84014090.90 其他核反应堆零件
[Other parts for nuclear reactors]
13% 千克/台 查看详情 对比-84014090.30