HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
70031200.00 铸、轧制着色的非夹丝玻璃板、片
[Cast and rolled non-wired glass, in sheets or parcel, coloured, pacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, not otherwise worked]
0% 千克/平方米 查看详情 --
70031900.01 液晶或有机发光二极管(OLED)显示屏基板用原板玻璃
[Rough glass plate used for LCD (cast or rolled non-wired glass sheet, not colored, transparent and not having an absorbent layer, not otherwise worked)]
13% 千克/平方米 查看详情 对比-70031200.00
70031900.02 手机或平板电脑盖板(包括前盖、后盖)用原板玻璃 0% 千克/平方米 查看详情 对比-70031900.01
70031900.90 铸、轧制的其他非夹丝玻璃板、片
[Cast and rolled other non-wired glass, in sheets or parcel (not colored, transparent and not having an absorbent layer, not otherwise worked)]
0% 千克/平方米 查看详情 对比-70031900.02
70032000.00 铸、轧制的夹丝玻璃板、片
[Cast and rolled wired glass sheets or parcel(not otherwise worked)]
0% 千克/平方米 查看详情 对比-70031900.90
70033000.00 铸、轧制的玻璃型材及异型材
[Cast and rolled glass, in profiles, not otherwise worked]
0% 千克/平方米 查看详情 对比-70032000.00