HS编码 | 商品名称 | 退税率 | 计量单位 | 海关监管 | 申报要素·检疫 | 编码对比 |
25083000.00 | 耐火粘土,不论是否煅烧
[Fire-clay] |
0% | 千克/无 | 4xy | 查看详情 | -- |
25084000.00 | 其他粘土,不论是否煅烧
[Other clays] |
0% | 千克/无 | 查看详情 | 对比-25083000.00 | |
25085000.00 | 红柱石、蓝晶石及硅线石,不论是否煅烧
[Andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite] |
0% | 千克/无 | 查看详情 | 对比-25084000.00 | |
25086000.00 | 富铝红柱石
[Mullite] |
0% | 千克/无 | 查看详情 | 对比-25085000.00 | |
25087000.00 | 火泥及第纳斯土
[Chamotte and dinas earths] |
0% | 千克/无 | 查看详情 | 对比-25086000.00 | |
25090000.00 | 白垩
[Chalk] |
0% | 千克/无 | 查看详情 | 对比-25087000.00 | |
25101010.00 | 未碾磨磷灰石
[Apatite, unground] |
0% | 千克/无 | 4xy | 查看详情 | 对比-25090000.00 |
25101090.00 | 其他未碾磨天然磷酸钙
[Other natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminium calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk(other than apatite), unground] |
0% | 千克/无 | 4xy | 查看详情 | 对比-25101010.00 |
25102010.00 | 已碾磨磷灰石
[Apatite, ground] |
0% | 千克/无 | 4xy | 查看详情 | 对比-25101090.00 |
25102090.00 | 其他已碾磨天然磷酸钙
[Other natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminium calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk(other than apatite), ground] |
0% | 千克/无 | 4xy | 查看详情 | 对比-25102010.00 |
25111000.00 | 天然硫酸钡(重晶石)
[Natural barium sulphate(barytes)] |
0% | 千克/无 | 查看详情 | 对比-25102090.00 | |
25112000.00 | 天然碳酸钡(毒重石)
[Natural barium carbonate(witherite), whether or not calcined, other than barium oxide of heading No.28.16] |
0% | 千克/无 | 查看详情 | 对比-25111000.00 | |
25120010.00 | 硅藻土
[Kieselguhr,whether or not calcined, of an apparent specific gravity of 1 or less] |
0% | 千克/无 | A | 查看详情 | 对比-25112000.00 |
25120090.00 | 其他硅质化石粗粉及类似的硅质土
[Other Siliceous fossil meals and similar siliceous earths, whether or not calcined, of an apparent specific gravity of 1 or less] |
0% | 千克/无 | 查看详情 | 对比-25120010.00 | |
25131000.00 | 浮石
[Pumice stone:] |
0% | 千克/无 | 查看详情 | 对比-25120090.00 | |
25132000.00 | 刚玉岩、天然刚玉砂等天然磨料
[Emery, natural corundum, narural garnet and other natural abrasives] |
0% | 千克/无 | 查看详情 | 对比-25131000.00 | |
25140000.00 | 板岩
[Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular(including square)shape] |
0% | 千克/无 | 查看详情 | 对比-25132000.00 | |
25151100.00 | 原状或粗加修整的大理石及石灰华
[Marble, travertine, crude or roughly trimmed] |
0% | 千克/无 | 查看详情 | 对比-25140000.00 | |
25151200.00 | 用锯或其他方法切割成矩形(包括正方形)的大理石及石灰华板、块
[Marble, travertine, cut by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular(including square)shape] |
0% | 千克/无 | 查看详情 | 对比-25151100.00 | |
25152000.00 | 其他石灰质碑用或建筑用石,蜡石
[Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone; alabaster] |
0% | 千克/无 | 查看详情 | 对比-25151200.00 |