HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
87085081.00 牵引车、拖拉机用非驱动桥及零件
[Non-driving axles and parts there Of the vehicles of heading No. 87.01]
13% 千克/无 6 查看详情 --
87085082.00 座位≥30的客车用非驱动桥及其零件
[Non-driving axles and parts there Of the vehicles of subheadings No. 8702.1091 and 8702.9010]
13% 千克/无 6 查看详情 对比-87085081.00
87085083.00 非公路自卸车用非驱动桥及零件
[Non-driving axles and parts there Of the vehicles of subheadings No. 8704.1030 and 8704.1090]
13% 千克/无 6 查看详情 对比-87085082.00
87085084.00 柴、汽油轻型货车用非驱动桥及零件
[Non-driving axles and parts there Of the vehicles of subheadings No. 8704.2100,8704.2230, 8704.3100 and 8704.3230]
13% 千克/无 6 查看详情 对比-87085083.00
87085085.00 柴汽油重型货车用非驱动桥及零件
[Non-driving axles and parts there Of the vehicles of subheadings No. 8704.2240,8704.2300 and 8704.3240]
13% 千克/无 6 查看详情 对比-87085084.00
87085086.00 特种车用非驱动桥及其零件
[Non-driving axles and parts there Of the vehicles of heading No. 87.05]
13% 千克/无 6 查看详情 对比-87085085.00
87085089.10 未列名机动车辆用非驱动桥
[Non-driving axles for vehicles, not specified]
13% 千克/个 6 查看详情 对比-87085086.00
87085089.90 未列名机动车辆用非驱动桥的零件
[Parts of non-driving axles for vehicles,not specified]
13% 千克/个 6 查看详情 对比-87085089.10