HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
58050010.00 手工针绣嵌花装饰毯
[Embroidery hand-embroidered decorative carpet]
13% 平方米/千克 查看详情 --
58050090.00 其他手织装饰毯
[Other hand-woven decorative blanket]
13% 平方米/千克 查看详情 对比-58050010.00
58050010.10 (已作废)
推荐查询: 58050010 或者: 580500
[Needle-worked tapestries of wool or fine animal hair, non- folk handicraft(whether or not made up)]
17% 平方米/千克 查看详情 对比-58050090.00
58050010.20 (已作废)
推荐查询: 58050010 或者: 580500
[Needle-worked tapestries of cotton(whether or not made up)]
17% 平方米/千克 查看详情 对比-58050010.10
58050010.30 (已作废)
推荐查询: 58050010 或者: 580500
[Needle-worked tapestries of man-made fibres(whether or not made up)]
17% 平方米/千克 查看详情 对比-58050010.20
58050010.90 (已作废)
推荐查询: 58050010 或者: 580500
[Needle-worked tapestries of other textile materials(whether or not made up)]
17% 平方米/千克 查看详情 对比-58050010.30
58050090.10 (已作废)
推荐查询: 58050090 或者: 580500
[Hand-woven tapestries of wool or fine animal hair, noncraftsmanship (including the type Gobelins, Flanders, Aubusson, Beauvais and the like)]
17% 平方米/千克 查看详情 对比-58050010.90
58050090.20 (已作废)
推荐查询: 58050090 或者: 580500
[Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins, of cotton (including the type Flanders, Aubusson, Beauvais and the like)]
17% 平方米/千克 查看详情 对比-58050090.10
58050090.30 (已作废)
推荐查询: 58050090 或者: 580500
[Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins, of man-made fibres (including the type Flanders, Aubusson, Beauvais and the like)]
17% 平方米/千克 查看详情 对比-58050090.20
58050090.90 (已作废)
推荐查询: 58050090 或者: 580500
[Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins, Flanders, Aubusson, Beauvais and the like, of other textile materials]
17% 平方米/千克 查看详情 对比-58050090.30