HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
49070010.00 新的邮票
[Unused postage(including a recognised face value; cheque forms; stock, share and similar documents of title)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 --
49070020.00 新的钞票
[Unused banknotes]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49070010.00
49070030.00 证券凭证
[Documents of title(including a recognised face value; cheque forms; stock, share and similar documents of title)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49070020.00
49070090.10 给予存取、安装、复制或使用软件(含游戏)、数据、互联网内容物(含游戏内或应用程序内内容物)、服务或电信服务(含移动服务)权利的印刷品 13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49070030.00
49070090.90 其他在承认或将承认其面值的国家流通新发行未使用的印花税票及类似票证
[Other stamp-impressed paper (including revenue stamps, other than certificate of right of special permission)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49070090.10
49070090.01 (已作废)
推荐查询: 49070090 或者: 490700
[Certificate of right of special permission (including software upgrade license , software user License)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49070090.90
49070090.11 (已作废)
推荐查询: 49070090 或者: 490700
[Certificate of Concession]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49070090.01
49070090.19 (已作废)
推荐查询: 49070090 或者: 490700
[Other Prints that give access to, install, copy or use software (including games), data, Internet content (including in-game or in-app content), services or telecommunications services (including mobile services)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49070090.11