HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
49011000.00 单张的书籍,小册子及类似印刷品
[Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter in single sheets, whether or not folded]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 --
49019100.00 字典,百科全书
[Dictionaries and encyclopaedias, and serial instalments thereof]
9% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49011000.00
49019900.00 其他书籍,小册子及类似的印刷品
[Other printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter(not in single)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49019100.00
49021000.00 每周至少出版四次的报纸,杂志
[Newspapers, journals and periodicals appearing at least four times a week(whether or not illustrated or containing advertising material)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49019900.00
49029000.00 其他报纸,杂志及期刊
[Other newspapers, journals and periodicals(whether or not illustrated or containing advertising material)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49021000.00
49030000.00 儿童图画书,绘画或涂色书
[Children's picture, drawing or colouring books]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49029000.00
49040000.00 乐谱原稿或印本
[Music, printed or in manuscript, whether or not bound or illustrated]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49030000.00
49052000.00 成册的各种印刷的地图及类似图表 13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49040000.00
49059000.00 其他各种印刷的地图及类似图表 13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49052000.00
49060000.10 含有人类遗传资源信息的设计图纸原稿或手稿及其复制件
[Plans and drawings for architectural, engineering, industrial, commercial, topographical or similar purposes, being originals drawn by hand; hand- written text; photographic reproduetions on sen- sitized paper and carbon copies of the foregoing]
13% 千克/无 V 查看详情 对比-49059000.00
49060000.90 其他设计图纸原稿或手稿及其复制件
[Plans and drawings for architectural, engineering, industrial, commercial, topographical or similar purposes, being originals drawn by hand; hand- written text; photographic reproduetions on sen- sitized paper and carbon copies of the foregoing]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49060000.10
49070010.00 新的邮票
[Unused postage(including a recognised face value; cheque forms; stock, share and similar documents of title)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49060000.90
49070020.00 新的钞票
[Unused banknotes]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49070010.00
49070030.00 证券凭证
[Documents of title(including a recognised face value; cheque forms; stock, share and similar documents of title)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49070020.00
49070090.10 给予存取、安装、复制或使用软件(含游戏)、数据、互联网内容物(含游戏内或应用程序内内容物)、服务或电信服务(含移动服务)权利的印刷品 13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49070030.00
49070090.90 其他在承认或将承认其面值的国家流通新发行未使用的印花税票及类似票证
[Other stamp-impressed paper (including revenue stamps, other than certificate of right of special permission)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49070090.10
49081000.00 釉转印贴花纸
[Glaze transfers(decalcomanias), vitrifiable]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49070090.90
49089000.00 其他转印贴花纸
[Other transfers]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49081000.00
49090010.00 印刷或有图画的明信片
[Printed or illustrated postcards]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49089000.00
49090090.00 其他致贺或通告卡片
[Other printed cards bearing personal greetings, messages or announcements, whether or not illustrated, with or without envelopes or trimmings]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49090010.00