HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
44121011.11 至少有一表层为濒危热带木薄板制濒危野生(不包括人工培植的)竹胶合板
[With at least one outer ply of endangered tropical wood(specified in Subheading Note 2 of this Chapter), plywood consisting solely of sheets of endangered bamboo, each ply not exceeding 6mm thickness]
0% 千克/立方米 ABFE 查看详情 --
44121011.19 至少有一表层为濒危热带木薄板制其他竹胶合板
[With at least one outer ply of endangered tropical wood(specified in Subheading Note 2 of this Chapter), plywood consisting solely of sheets of other bamboo, each ply not exceeding 6mm thickness]
0% 千克/立方米 ABFE 查看详情 对比-44121011.11
44121011.91 至少有一表层是其他热带木薄板制濒危野生(不包括人工培植的)竹胶合板
[With at least one outer ply of other tropical wood(specified in Subheading Note 2 of this Chapter), plywood consisting solely of sheets of endangered bamboo, each ply not exceeding 6 mm thickness]
0% 千克/立方米 ABEF 查看详情 对比-44121011.19
44121011.99 至少有一表层是其他热带木薄板制其他竹胶合板
[With at least one outer ply of other tropical wood(specified in Subheading Note 2 of this Chapter), plywood consisting solely of sheets of other bamboo, each ply not exceeding 6 mm thickness]
13% 千克/立方米 AB 查看详情 对比-44121011.91