HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
16010010.10 濒危野生动物肉、杂碎、血或昆虫制天然肠衣香肠
[Sausages and similar products of meat, meat offal or blood of endangered wild animals, coated with natural casings(including wild animals of heading No.02.08)]
0% 千克/无 ABFE 查看详情 --
16010010.90 其他动物肉、杂碎、血或昆虫制天然肠衣香肠
[Sausages and similar products of meat,meat offal or blood of other aminals, with natural casing]
13% 千克/无 AB 查看详情 对比-16010010.10
16010020.10 濒危野生动物肉、杂碎、血或昆虫制其他肠衣香肠
[Sausages and similar products of meat, meal offal or blood of endangered wild animals, with other casing,(including wild animals of heading No.02.08)]
0% 千克/无 ABFE 查看详情 对比-16010010.90
16010020.90 其他动物肉、杂碎、血或昆虫制其他肠衣香肠
[Sauages and simiple products of meat,meat offal or blood of other animals, with other casing]
13% 千克/无 AB 查看详情 对比-16010020.10
16010030.10 用含濒危野生动物或昆虫成分的香肠制的食品
[Food preparations based on sauagses, with composition of endangered wild animals(including endangered wild animals of heading No.02.08)]
0% 千克/无 ABFE 查看详情 对比-16010020.90
16010030.90 用含其他动物或昆虫成分的香肠制的食品
[Food preparation based on sauages, with composition of other animals]
13% 千克/无 AB 查看详情 对比-16010030.10