HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
49119100.10 含有人类遗传资源信息的印刷图片、设计图样及照片
[Printed pictures, designs and photographs]
13% 千克/无 V 查看详情 --
49119100.90 其他印刷的图片、设计图样及照片
[Printed pictures, designs and photographs]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49119100.10
49119910.10 给予存取、安装、复制或使用软件(含游戏)、数据、互联网内容物(含游戏内或应用程序内内容物)、服务或电信服务(含移动服务)权利的印刷品
[To grant access to, install, copy or use the software (including games), data, Internet content (including in-game or in-app content), services or telecommunications services (including mobile services)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49119100.90
49119910.20 含有人类遗传资源信息的纸质印刷品
[Other printed matter, excluding printed pictures, designed drawing and photographs(other than Papers printed with programs for automatic data processing equipment)]
13% 千克/无 V 查看详情 对比-49119910.10
49119910.90 其他纸质的印刷品
[Other printed matter, excluding printed pictures, designed drawing and photographs(other than Papers printed with programs for automatic data processing equipment)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49119910.20
49119990.10 给予存取、安装、复制或使用软件(含游戏)、数据、互联网内容物(含游戏内或应用程序内内容物)、服务或电信服务(含移动服务)权利的印刷品
[To grant access to, install, copy or use the software (including games), data, Internet content (including in-game or in-app content), services or telecommunications services (including mobile services)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49119910.90
49119990.20 含有人类遗传资源信息的其他印刷品
[Other printed materials containing information on human genetic resources]
13% 千克/无 V 查看详情 对比-49119990.10
49119990.90 其他印刷品
[Other printed matter (other than the papers printed with programs for ADPE)]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49119990.20
49119100.00 (已作废)
推荐查询: 49119100 或者: 491191
[Printed pictures, designs and photographs]
16% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49119990.90
49119910.00 (已作废)
推荐查询: 49119910 或者: 491199
其他纸质的印刷品 16% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49119100.00
49119910.01 (已作废)
推荐查询: 49119910 或者: 491199
[Papers printed with programs for automatic data processing equipment]
16% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49119910.00
49119990.00 (已作废)
推荐查询: 49119990 或者: 491199
16% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-49119910.01