HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
30051010.00 橡皮膏
[Adhesive plasters, put up in forms or packings for retail sale for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary purposes]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 --
30051090.00 其他胶粘敷料及有胶粘涂层的物品
[Other adhesives dressing and other article having an adhesives lays, impregnated or coated with pharmaceutical substances or put up in forms or packings for retail sale for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary purposes]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-30051010.00
30059010.00 药棉、纱布、绷带
[Absorbent cotton, gauze, bandages, impregnated or coated with pharmaceutical substances or put up in forms or packings for retail sale for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary purposes]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-30051090.00
30059090.00 其他软填料及类似物品
[Other Wadding and similar articles, impregnated or coated with pharmaceutical substances or put up in forms or packings for retail sale for medical, surgical , dental or veterinary purposes]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-30059010.00